Dragon KOI Coaching will help your to eliminate those things that are holding you back and open the door to an unlimited future. Establishing your "focus forward" position mentally and physically will drive you to toward your dream life.
Dragon KOI Coaching will help your to eliminate those things that are holding you back and open the door to an unlimited future. Establishing your "focus forward" position mentally and physically will drive you to toward your dream life.
...to facilitate a healing path, by educating and empowering people to feel good and take ownership of their bodies through progressing movement of the body, mind and spirit.
The Re-Patterning Method reorganizes the efficiency in the way the body moves, heals and functions. This method utilizes the Body Landmark Method™, Structural Alignment Assessment™, fascial Re-Patterning, and unconscious mind engagement to ultimately balance the joints and effectively realign the body and mind to create a safe and long term adaptation.
The first step in the Re-Patterning process is evaluating your movement patterns through the Structural Alignment Assessment™. This assessment is where you will become consciously aware of why and how your body has taken on misalignments and compensation patterns through your daily movement, exercise regimen or injury and stress. Over time, these compensatory movement patterns can and will cause many physiological, biomechanical and psychological disorders such as joint issues, muscle imbalances, fascial restrictions and tightness, guarding, inflammation, chronic pain, arthritis, injury, nerve compression and referred pain. All of these conditions often lead to a decreased quality of life both physically and psychologically.
The second step is to implement your Re-Patterning program. Each Re-Patterning program has consistent systems and procedures to re-align. re-connect and re-program the body, mind and spirit to replicate efficiency of movement in and out of the studio. Every Re-Patterning sessions is unique for each person and is based on the assessment findings, goals and desired outcome. Our goal is to shift limiting patterns toward a more balanced, aligned and pain free movement reality. Ultimately, we simply want you to feel good in your body, mind and life.
Dragon KOI Coaching specializes in personal coaching in the areas of Sports Medicine and Post/Post Rehabilitation Movement Re-Patterning, Neurological and Fascial Re-patterning, as well as mind Re-Patterning through Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy™ techniques to connect and make changes on an unconscious level. My goal is to help you create a future with unlimited potential both physically and mentally. With these changes we can position your future goals and desired outcomes, both physically and mentally for the life you want.
The cornerstone of Dragon KOI Coaching's mind Re-Patterning is through the use of Neruo-Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy™ techniques. These techniques will allow clients to discover the power of the unconscious mind and it's influence on achieving optimal health.
Dragon Koi Business Coaching was born out of over 25 years of experiences with business, people, successes and failures. My experience not only includes designing, opening, development, systemizing, owning and running my own business, but also dealing with those challenges that none of us want to face (which happen to most of us), gives me a unique ability to help you through with almost anything that your business can and will throw at you. My focus is to help my clients understand and strive for what makes their life meaningful WHILE developing a successful business.
— Earl Nightingale