I met Shawn through a mutual friend. I had come to a crossroads in my career. My current job abruptly ended and I really felt like I needed direction and to build my confidence level. Through the process of negative emotion elimination and effective goal setting, Shawn taught me how to really tap into my unconscious mind to see what was causing me anxiety about my career path. Wow! When you figure out what’s holding you back, it opens the doors to what you’re capable of accomplishing. Thank you, Shawn, you really have opened my eyes and opened new doors for me.
— Jackie Summit, Sedona

Happy Clients


Your actions and the life experiences from which you pull and get your inspiration, gives you the ability to "coach" in the most appropriate and pertinent way and provides a game changer for all of us that  use your services.

— Chantal Perron, Montreal

I cannot say enough about how knowledgeable and smart Shawn Healey is. He has been instrumental in my growth as a business owner and overall human being. 

— Christa Gurka, MSPT, PMA-CPT, Miami