Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI project Day 28 of 365: STILL MY COUNTRY — Dragon KOI Coaching

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI project Day 28 of 365: STILL MY COUNTRY

There's lot's of opinion about everything that is happening since Trump has taken office...particularly over the last day or so. Interestingly, you can find very seemingly sensible and rational coverage supporting both action against and action for. I'm sure that depending on what you feel and believe in, you're finding all kinds of coverage on how the other side is only stating the extremes or covering up the truth or are blatantly lying through their teeth or blah, blah, blah. Through this entire process, if I'm being honest (which is a little risky I think) I've been on the fence with most of the things that have gone on. I feel that any form of extremism is dangerous. This being said, the same extremism is what get things done, whether you like it or not. Personally, I think that there's a ton of propaganda that is being spun at a rapid rate all around. Unfortunately, this is deepening the divide.

With all of this, pretty much all I know is one thing... this is still my country. Yours too.

Until tomorrow...

#shawnhealey #dragonkoiproject #focusforward #stillmycountry #stopthedivide

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI project Day 29 of 365: UNDER THE SURFACE

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI project Day 27 of 365: A BALANCED LIFE

Shawn Healey | Dragon KOI project Day 27 of 365: A BALANCED LIFE